Friday 20 July 2012

To Be Artsy At Work

I have been blessed with a summer job which allows me to at least contribute a bit to my art school adventure. Blessings sometimes come in disguise. I would lie if I would tell you that I love this job. Being a cashier at a big grocery store makes you feel rather like a robot than anything else. It has been a great place to learn about life and relationships and certainly grew mine with God in very special ways. But anyways, since the families are all on vacation now, the stores are not as busy as usual, which allowed me to get creative with the receipts that customers don't want to take home. So I hope you enjoy my little recycling art works, I certainly did enjoy making them. If you got a dull situation, flavour it with your passion, your finger print, it creates beautiful things.

Made To Sail


A ship in harbor is safe—but that is not what ships were built for.
As I am heading off to a new adventure in a few weeks time, it definitely feels like getting my little and still rather inexperienced sailboat tossing myself into a yet unknown ocean, where there are sea creatures to be fought, storms to be faced, waves to be resisted and maybe even some Sirens wailing to be ignored. Someone told me once to take everything that I encounter as an exciting adventure where I can experience God's goodness and grace in completely new ways. When I think of the fact that I won't be on my own, that I will have a Veteran on board, an experienced Captain who will take over control every time I lose it (which will be most of the time) and that I know the One who is able to calm the seas and storms if necessary, it truly gets exciting. Where else will we find the wind of freedom blowing through our hair, the fresh breath of life wafting around us, the beauty of a star lit night and glorious dawn in its purest form whispering to us the secrets and mysteries of life and beyond?

The humans live in time, and experience reality successively. To experience much of it, therefore, they must experience many different things; in other words, they must experience change. - The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis

What is your adventure? Get the sails ready, clean the decks, it's time to jump into the rest of your life.